Jimmy Russell’s 69th Anniversary

Shortly after I discovered this incredible hobby of whiskey enthusiasm, a fancy new bottle hit retail shelves – Wild Turkey Diamond Anniversary. Though beyond my comfortable spending limit in 2014 ($125 was a hefty price for bourbon back then) it…

Shortly after I discovered this incredible hobby of whiskey enthusiasm, a fancy new bottle hit retail shelves – Wild Turkey Diamond Anniversary. Though beyond my comfortable spending limit in 2014 ($125 was a hefty price for bourbon back then) it caught my attention. Initially shrugging it off as too expensive, my curiosity only grew and […]

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Revisiting Diamond Anniversary

Some bottles I take for granted. For whatever reason –  lack of excitement, greater attention to alternatives, or simply lost to the ever-increasing tide of new releases – I move on. Inevitably, regret kicks in. Not because of monetary…

Some bottles I take for granted. For whatever reason –  lack of excitement, greater attention to alternatives, or simply lost to the ever-increasing tide of new releases – I move on. Inevitably, regret kicks in. Not because of monetary reasons, but because I fail to realize the sentimental value of a whiskey. Such is the […]

The post Revisiting Diamond Anniversary appeared first on Rare Bird 101.