10 years

Springbank 10 Years Review

Founded 194 years ago (1828), Springbank is a distillery of some renown and this whisky, Springbank 10 Years, is their current flagship offering. If you giggled when I said “some renown”, then you are a true whisky nerd and know that’s an understatement. Whisky nerds go ga-ga for Springbank which makes it increasingly difficult to […]

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Egan’s Conviction 10 Years Irish Whiskey Review

First Egan’s released a single malt, then a grain and now a 10 yo blend of their sourced whiskeys finished in ex-Cognac cakss: Egan’s Conviction 10 Years Irish Whiskey. Sourced from the same undisclosed whiskey distiller(s) as the original Egan’s, the Irish whiskeys were been fully aged in ex-Bourbon casks for 10 years before being […]

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Benromach 10 Years Review

This is the latest release of the Benromach 10 Years. Apparently, the formulation had a bit of a tweaking and I was asked if I wanted to try the latest version and give my thoughts on it. I enjoyed the previous release well enough, so I said “sure”. Thrilling back story to this review eh? […]

The post Benromach 10 Years Review appeared first on The Whiskey Jug.

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