Author name: Steve Coomes

El Negocio Tequila Blanco Review

The nose–like anything from the flawless Cascahuin distillery–El Negocio Blanco brings deep minerality and floral character atop an undercurrent of horno-roasted agave, agua miel and golden raisins.

Get to Know: Adam Harris, Green River’s Master Distiller

When Harris came aboard, Green River’s annual output was 90,000 barrels a year. Under his watch, it’s increased by a solid 20 percent. Its outstanding single-barrel program has received rave reviews, and it just launched a new Full-Proof line of its standard bourbon.

Get to Know: Glencairn’s Martin Duffy

The busiest part of my year begins in February when whiskey events start. … Then things slow down some later in the year, and I work on creating distillery trails for different states. Yes, that’s for Glencairn.

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