Wild Turkey 101

Wild Turkey 101 12-Year (2024)

If you’re in the market for Wild Turkey 101 12-Year, consider taking time to familiarize yourself with its occasional variances in profile.
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Wild Turkey 101 Comparison (2018-2024)

I have three individuals to thank for today’s post. First, a reader named James T., who wrote to me asking if I’d review a recent bottle of Wild Turkey 101. Second, Kurt and Trenton from the YouTube channel SLB Drinks, who recently posted a video title…

Jimmy Russell’s 70th Anniversary Release

It was 70 years ago today that Jimmy Russell began his employment at Wild Turkey Distillery. At that time it was known as Anderson County Distilling Co. but would soon change its name to J.T.S. Brown & Sons. The years that followed were a time of g…

1972 Wild Turkey 101

Frank is back with his thoughts on another Wild Turkey rarity. This time it’s a New York, NY bottling of Wild Turkey 101 (likely one of the last with that label). Enjoy! dj Ask a Wild Turkey nut (is there an à la mode moniker for us folks?) about…

Wild Turkey 101 8-Year (2022)

Since its introduction in the early 1940s, Wild Turkey 101 has carried an eight-year age statement. Many presume the age statement was dropped entirely in the early 1990s. It was dropped, but only for the United States. Eight-year Wild Turkey 101 lived…

Cheesy Gold and the Glut

Every Cheesy Gold Foil is undoubtedly special, but as a buddy of mine recently stated, 1988’s hits differently.
The post Cheesy Gold and the Glut appeared first on Rare Bird 101.

Jimmy Russell – 68 Years at Wild Turkey

On September 10, 1954, Jimmy Russell first punched the clock at the distillery that would become known as Wild Turkey. He hasn’t stopped. Today marks Jimmy Russell’s 68th year at Wild Turkey. Can you imagine working 68 years at the same job – at …

Wild Turkey 101 12-Year (2022)

In January 2018, I published my first “Wild Turkey Wish List.” I’m happy to report that four years later, another wish has been granted – the return of Wild Turkey 101 12-Year. After a ten-year hiatus that seemed like forever, the fan-favorite ex…

You Only Need Three Turkeys

Russell’s Reserve 13 mania has again begun, and with it, droves of whiskey enthusiasts will soon be monitoring websites, scouring liquor stores, and enlisting the help of friends and family across the country. While I have nothing but praise for 2021’s…

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