The Future is Bright for Nordic Whiskies

Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Iceland are making some head-turning whiskies that embrace Nordic climates and traditions.

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Let me take you to a land of volcanoes and glaciers, rugged coastlines and deep fjords, Viking legends and the aurora borealis. The Nordic region is admired for its contemporary interior design, inspiring architecture, and timber summer cabins tucked into forest clearings. Now, Nordic whisky can be included in that array. It’s a vibrant time for distilleries from the Jutland Peninsula to the Arctic Circle and across to Iceland, the land of fire and ice. The spectrum of this region’s whisky flavors is as diverse as the Nordic landscape itself. Over the past two decades, distillers throughout the region have built a culture of craftsmanship and innovation, turning this special place into one of the world’s prime locations for making whisky.


Teerenpeli Distillery—Founded 2002
Teerenpeli is located in Lahti, about 60 miles north of Helsinki, and operates a brewery, seven restaurants, and a downtown distillery with a new visitor center. The distillery draws water from a substantial underground aquifer of glacial meltwater that’s filtered through a deep gravel bed. It also has a ready source of native barley from local malting suppliers. The only missing element is local peated malt, so its new U.S. release, Teerenpeli Savu, uses Scottish malt peated to 55 phenol parts per million (ppm) that is blended with Teerenpeli’s local malt. Both standard and small casks are used for maturation, and Teerenpeli ages all its whiskies inside insulated shipping containers where the ventilation can be adjusted and the temperature monitored. Founder Anssi Pyssing expects to use this maturation method for all the distillery’s whiskies for the foreseeable future.

A man leads a whiskey tasting

Grab a tasting and a tour at Teerenpeli’s new visitor center.

As Teerenpeli passes its 20th anniversary, a handful of other Finnish spirits producers have emerged in recent years. The newer ones are turning to rye whisky and single malt, while also producing gins and aquavits. Pyssing’s goal is to create greater cooperation among Nordic distillers to help the region’s whiskies gain wider worldwide recognition.

Try It:
Teerenpeli Kaski—90 points, 43%, $130
Teerenpeli Portti—90 points, 43%, $130
Teerenpeli Savu—88 points, 43%, $130


Stauning Whisky—Founded 2005
Taking its design inspiration from local farm buildings and fishing huts, Stauning opened its current distillery in 2018 with an ingenious custom-designed malting floor—the barley is turned with a unique system of spinning rakes like a combine harvester—24 squat stills, and an annual production capacity equivalent to Springbank Distillery’s 750,000 liters of pure alcohol (lpa). Co-founder Alex Munch likens the climate on Denmark’s west coast to Islay, but emphasizes that his goal is to craft Danish whisky, not Islay-style scotch.

Many small copper stills in a room

Stauning Whisky uses 24 squat stills to make rye and malt whisky.

“We want to create a Nordic terroir,” he says. “We have a lot of farmland here, great clean water, and local grain.” Barley and rye are locally sourced and malted on-site. A Highland-style Danish peat is used for Stauning’s peated malt, but it has augmented its smoky batches by burying local heather under loose peat in the kiln to add flavor.

Stauning’s whisky has a weighty mouthfeel, the result of a long fermentation producing more fruity esters that create pear, apple, and citrus flavors. Its kiln is heated with the hot air produced by its 24 direct-fired pot stills, and distillation is slow. “Making whisky will never be super energy efficient, but we’re really trying to do better,” Munch says.

Try It:
Stauning Bastard—92 points, 46.3%, $78
Stauning Kaos—91 points, 46%, $79
Stauning Rye—88 points, 48%, $73


Eimverk Distillery—Founded 2009
In its pursuit of authentic Icelandic whisky, Eimverk embodies the admirable qualities of autonomy, freedom from convention, self-sufficiency, and sheer inventiveness. Although the distillery first gained notoriety for using sheep dung rather than peat, there’s much more to its story.

Iceland is the closest whisky-producing Nordic country to the U.S., and that proximity has had a decided influence. “We’re in the middle of the Atlantic, and there’s always been a strong connection to the U.S.,” says Halli Thorkelsson, founder of this family-run enterprise on the outskirts of Reykjavík.

Halli Thorkelsson founded Eimverk Distillery in 2009 on the outskirts of Reykjavík. The distillery ships its Flóki whiskies to 19 countries.

Eimverk, producer of Flóki whisky, mashes equal ratios of malted and unmalted Icelandic barley. It uses old milk tanks repurposed as wash stills as well as other hand-built equipment to run in-grain fermentation and distillation, where the grains are still in the solution when added to the fermenters and wash stills, rather than being drained off after mashing—quite unconventional for Europe. The distillery taps into Iceland’s abundant supply of geothermal water, passing it through a heat exchanger to lower its energy footprint. Predominantly using charred virgin oak casks lends Eimverk’s whiskies a bourbon or Tennessee whiskey slant. The distillery has an active finishing program, using sherry casks but also more unorthodox choices like birchwood, Icelandic craft beer, and mead casks.

This island nation is at the limit of the world’s barley-growing zone, which presents a fundamental challenge to making whisky. Eimverk uses native barley grown and malted on the family farm. Two species of two-row barley are planted, specially selected for these tough growing conditions. The resulting harvest is typically about half of what a farmer might expect in Scotland, and each ton produces 10% to 20% less alcohol. Barley grown this far north is inherently spicy, with a relatively low amount of sugars due to the short summer, imbuing the whisky with fresh grassy tones and a distinct spicy pepperiness.

Eimverk Distillery has the capacity to make 34,500 lpa, and it ships Flóki whiskies to 19 countries. “We’re in this for the long run,” confirms Thorkelsson. “We’ve even planted some oak trees, but it’s going to take a while to get our own barrels!”

Try It:
Flóki Icelandic Birch-Finished Single Malt—92 points, 47%, $100
Flóki Sheep Dung-Smoked Reserve Single Malt—91 points, 47%, $100
Flóki Single Malt—89 points, 47%, $100

Learn More About the Sheep Dung Smoking Process


Aurora Spirit Distillery—Founded 2016
Winter is the most spectacular time in Norway; you’ve got enormous snow drifts, clear skies, and the aurora borealis,” says Colin Houston, cask program manager at Aurora Spirit Distillery, the northernmost distillery in the world. Situated in spectacular surroundings within the Arctic Circle, over 1,000 miles north of Oslo, this facility was built on the site of a former WWII German military fort. At latitude 69°N, this is the land of the midnight sun and the polar night; in the depths of winter the sun doesn’t come over the horizon for two months.

Man rolling a barrel in the snow

Aurora is the northernmost distillery in the world, making whisky, gin, vodka, and other spirits.

The distillery makes a variety of Arctic spirits using its hybrid pot and column still, though it brings in a pilsner malt-based wash from the Mack microbrewery, located 50 miles away, for its whisky production. “I’ve watched the Mack delivery lorries come up here with enormous studded tires and chains as they belt their way through the Arctic weather to get to us,” describes Houston.

For maturation, quarter casks are typically used, though many of Aurora’s experimental casks are even smaller for faster maturation. Virgin Hungarian oak, chestnut, cherry, sauternes, madeira, rye whiskey, palo cortado, and aquavit casks are all in the pipeline. The small barrels are rolled into the tunnels of a nearby former NATO base to mature, though a new warehouse resembling a Viking longhouse will soon be completed.

While there is no oak growing in the Arctic, Aurora’s distilling team started the Arctic Barley Project two years ago with the aim of growing local barley for its whisky in collaboration with neighboring farmers. The first year produced about seven tons and, using an old farmer’s yeast on the unmalted barley, Aurora made a grain whisky and filled two casks. “The flavors it gives are insane,” beams Houston. “We’re getting a mixture of floral and fruity notes that I’ve not experienced in other whiskies.”

Aurora Spirit’s debut European releases, Bivrost Niflheim and Bivrost Nidavellir, sold out quickly. Currently Aurora Spirits is in discussions with U.S. importers, and plans twice-yearly Bivrost releases in Europe with the anticipation of greater availability by 2025. The nascent craft spirits movement in Norway has encouraged around 10 distilleries to make whisky—with Myken, Det Norske Brenneri, and Feddie all worth watching.

Try It:
Look for a U.S. release of Bivrost within the next one to two years.


Mackmyra Whisky—Founded 1999
Vertical distilleries are uncommon, but Mackmyra has pioneered the concept (and is now being followed by Edinburgh’s Port of Leith Distillery, currently under construction). Mackmyra opened its second production site in 2010, a distinctive 35-meter-tall gravity distillery. Aside from the energy efficiency of the operation, it offers visitors the opportunity to take an elevator to the top to learn about whisky production as they descend floor by floor. Mackmyra makes the quintessential Swedish whisky, and with the skill of master blender Angela D’Orazio, it captures the essence of Sweden through the use of local barley, peat, yeast, oak, and finishing casks.

Barrels in a warehouse

Mackmyra stores a bulk of its whisky 164 feet underground in a mine that first opened in 1857. The distillery also has six other satellite warehouses.

Mackmyra uses a Swedish white moss peat packed with forest matter. Distinctively, the distillery adds twigs of freshly cut juniper to the peat. Its malting facility is a customized shipping container where it smokes the peat for 36 hours to achieve peat levels of 50 to 60 ppm. “The Swedish peat gives us a rather herbal character, but adding the dominant flavor of the juniper twigs, we get this oilier, cold barbecue aroma into it, which is fantastic,” enthuses D’Orazio, “It has this Swedish forest essence to it.”

Mackmyra works extensively with Swedish oak, which has its own unique flavor profile with lower levels of wood sugars than American oak. “Our oak is very slow-growing, and it gives us quite massive flavors, similar to French oak,” says D’Orazio. “It has a beautiful, oriental aromatic composition when it’s fresh, with notes of ginger, coriander, aniseed, cedarwood, sandalwood, and tobacco leaf. Together, it’s like a most beautiful perfume.”

Mackmyra stores much of its whisky 164 feet underground in the Bodås Mine, an old iron ore facility that opened in 1857. It has six other satellite warehouses, including Europe’s highest warehouse at the Lofsdalen Skybar restaurant, but it’s the chambers in the mine that are cherished for their stable temperatures of 44° to 48°F.

Mackmyra is a fruity whisky, with notes of citrus, pear, and grassy herbal tones, plus ginger and aniseed spiciness. While the U.S. only has one expression of Mackmyra at present, D’Orazio oversees an active program of experimental casks that capture different seasonal moods, from lingonberry, cloudberry, and birch sap wines to coffee, amarone, Japanese green tea, and calvados, which have helped Mackmyra cultivate a strong identity among its legions of European fans.

Spirit of Hven Distillery—Founded 2007
This Swedish island distillery is situated between the Danish and Swedish mainland in the strait of Öresund, where it makes single malt and grain whiskies and organic gin, and collaborated on the first Swedish blended whisky. Grain is sourced on the island, with much of the barley being certified organic; a unique microclimate means it enjoys greater humidity and more hours of sunshine than most of Sweden. Conscious that everything needs to be transported on and off the island by boat, founder Henric Molin hopes to source 100% of his raw materials from the island by 2023, from cereal grains to gin botanicals. He maintains a strong focus on organic barley: “We want to do the best for the environment and meet our sustainability goals while being as efficient as possible with the local harvest.”

Spirit of Hven started making single malt whiskies, then added a lab, a grain facility with column stills, and a rare wooden Coffey still. “Our objective from the beginning wasn’t world domination, but to be small and interesting and seek out those different flavor characteristics,” says Molin. While every Swedish distiller has their own unique approach to making whisky, Molin sees common ground. “It’s not like we smell this and say this is a Swedish whisky, like you might identify bourbon or an Islay scotch, but I think we still see a Swedish profile. It’s very intense in flavor, and tends to be quite peppery and spicy compared to scotch.”

High Coast Distillery—Founded 2010
The High Coast of Sweden is a UNESCO World Heritage site and High Coast Distillery (formerly Box Distillery) stands here on the bank of the colossal Ångerman River. While it uses soft, clean water for making whisky, it takes full advantage of the mighty river and the 128,000 gallons of ice-cold water that pass every second to cool the vapors in its condensers. Distillery manager Roger Melander says, “Really cold cooling water is integral to the flavor of our new-make spirit.”

A man leads a large whisky tasting inside a barrel warehouse

High Coast has a larger U.S. presence than other Swedish whisky producers, with its Hav single malt earning the No.-6 spot on our 2021 Top 20.

Melander experiments with maturation by varying cask size, heat treatment, oak species, and filling strength, taking into account the performance of the variables against the large seasonal fluctuations in warehouse temperature. He prefers bourbon casks and American oak sherry casks. During maturation, alcohol strength increases slightly at High Coast, so Melander has adjusted the filling strength from 63% down to 60% and is contemplating cutting to 58% to produce even better flavors.

In stark contrast to many distilleries, High Coast revels in temperature fluctuations inside its warehouse, which can vary over a range of 100°F. The black warehouse roof absorbs heat in the summer highs of around 82°F, but in winter it can drop to -22°F, resulting in ice forming on the surface of the barrels. “This interactive maturation forces spirit in and out of the pores of the oak,” explains Melander. “Yoichi Distillery in Hokkaido, Japan is the only distillery in the world that has similar seasonal temperature changes, but unfortunately, they mature nearly every drop at Miyagikyo Distillery in Sendai.”

High Coast has a bigger U.S. presence than any other Nordic distillery, and Melander is confident about the long-term prospects for Nordic whisky overall. “Japan started making whisky almost 100 years ago, and today the market for Japanese whisky is enormous. Sweden, Finland, Norway, and Denmark could easily be the next Japan.”

Try It:
High Coast Älv—92 points, 46%, $50
High Coast Berg—92 points, 50%, $60
High Coast Hav—93 points, 48%, $50

Spirit of Hven Hvenus Rye—91 points, 45.6%, $77
Spirit of Hven Mercurious Corn—90 points, 45.6%, $55
Spirit of Hven Tycho’s Star Single Malt—87 points, 41.8%, $130

Mackmyra 1st Edition—91 points, 46.1%, $90/liter

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Great Whisky Club: Exec’s Whiskey Club

A Southern California networking group has grown into a full-blown whisky club with members in several states.

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Fernando Castorena had already been a member of Financial Executives International’s (FEI) Orange County, California chapter for around three years when he discovered that he and fellow member Todd Amy shared a passion for whisky. “Todd and I were just randomly talking one day, and we were both like, ‘Hey, I like whisky.’ ‘Oh, I like whisky too.’ And it developed into ‘Should we start a smaller club through FEI?’ And it just kind of happened,” explains Castorena.

In the beginning, they sought to connect with other FEI members over a dram. “At the first meetings, we were hoping to maybe have like 10 people attend,” Castorena recalls. “But probably halfway through year one of starting that networking group, we were selling out every tasting, and I realized we were more of a whisky club than originally intended. It was just a passion for whisky—and wanting to learn more about it—that helped us create the club, and organically, it grew to be what it is today.”

From its humble SoCal roots, Exec’s Whiskey Club has expanded to around 120 members across the U.S. The club previously held in-person gatherings but transitioned to virtual meetings due to COVID-19. The new format seems to have boosted interest and membership. “COVID has allowed for an expansion that we weren’t really expecting, and not only within Orange County,” Castorena says. Active members come together for monthly Zoom meetings, and the club has a robust social media presence. Currently, the group has around 1,000 followers on Instagram, where anyone thirsting for whisky knowledge and friendship can reach out to Castorena to express interest in joining the group. “[Due to] COVID, people are home and looking for fun ways to interact with each other, so it’s really been a godsend for a lot of our members to be able to look forward to a tasting each month,” he adds. “We’re looking to keep that community going, but also growing it at the same time.”

There is no cost to join Exec’s Whiskey Club at this time. Castorena tries to keep the tastings affordable; aiming to price them at no more than $60. When it comes to building a lineup, Castorena trusts his instincts—and those of fellow club members. “Whisky is a passion of mine, so I ask myself, ‘What would I love to taste?’ and go from there. And I certainly take suggestions from our club members if there’s something specific they want to taste.” Prior to going virtual, the club often paired food with flights. In January 2020 it held a Japanese whisky and sushi pairing, and Castorena notes, “That was a great hit.”

To wrangle the bottles, he leverages industry connections he’s cultivated over the years. “A lot of times [whisky brand] reps or the distilleries help us out in procuring bottles, and we’ve also worked with local liquor stores,” he says. “Growing those relationships has been really important in being able to put on good-quality tastings, and secure rare bottles not everyone gets to try.”

Exec’s Whiskey Club meetings emphasize inclusivity, and that extends to whisky-curious non-members. “We definitely have members that have come from, ‘Hey, I just want to dip my toe into this—can I join a meeting and see what you’re about?’ I’m all for that,” Castorena says. “At the end of the day we’re here to talk to each other and just have a good time. We all have the same passion for whisky, and we want to be a resource for anyone who’s interested in it.”

Club Insider: Exec’s Whiskey Club

Location: Orange County, Calif., with additional members in several U.S. states
Year founded: 2017
Number of members: Around 120
Membership: Open to the public, inquire via Instagram

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Drink Like a Movie Star at One of These Film-Famous Bars

From Los Angeles to Tokyo, these bars served as the set for some memorable movie moments.

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Quentin Tarantino spent five days shooting the film “Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood” at the Musso & Frank Grill, enlisting bartender Kenneth “Sonny Bones” Donato who shook up at least 15 of his famous Whiskey Sours. Musso’s has been a favorite of the film industry ever since Charlie Chaplin and Douglas Fairbanks raced to the bar on horseback, with the loser picking up the tab. But this Hollywood favorite is also popular with regular folk thirsty for a drink and a bit of cinematic nostalgia. Check out these other real-life bars that appear in famous movie scenes.

L Street Tavern in Boston

As seen in: “Good Will Hunting” (1997)
Troubled mathematics genius Matt Damon introduces his new girlfriend Minnie Driver to his pals (including Ben Affleck) at this now-famous Irish bar which proudly boasts its connection to the Oscar-winning film.
Potable: Irish whiskey with a pint of Guinness
Quotable: “I got her number. How do you like them apples?”—Will (Matt Damon)

Musso & Frank Grill in Los Angeles

As seen in: “Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood” (2019)
Rick Dalton (Leonardo DiCaprio) enjoys one of Sonny’s Whiskey Sours while waiting to meet agent Marvin Schwarz (Al Pacino) at the famous Hollywood Boulevard watering hole.
Potable: Sonny’s Whiskey Sour, which combines bourbon, lemon, simple syrup, sweet and sour mix, and egg whites in an ice-filled cocktail tin.
Quotable: “When you come to the end of the line, with a buddy who is more than a brother and a little less than a wife, getting blind drunk together is really the only way to say farewell.”—Narrator (Kurt Russell)

The Formosa Café in Los Angeles

As seen in: “L.A. Confidential” (1997)
An iconic Hollywood establishment, the recently refurbished bar has appeared in numerous films, most notably this period noir where LAPD officer Ed Exley (Guy Pearce) mistakes Lana Turner for a lookalike prostitute.
Potable: Blood and Sand cocktail made with scotch, vermouth, cherry liqueur, and orange juice
Quotable: “I wouldn’t trade places with Edmund Exley right now for all the whiskey in Ireland.”—Captain Dudley Smith (James Cromwell)

21 Club in New York City

As seen in: “Wall Street” (1987)
A former Prohibition speakeasy, this indefinitely shuttered formal bar and restaurant was where Charlie Sheen and mentor Michael Douglas shared a power lunch.
Potable: ‘21’ Perfect Manhattan made with Maker’s Mark bourbon or Bulleit rye and sweet and dry vermouth
Quotable: “Greed, for lack of a better word, is good.”—Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas)

Maxim’s de Paris in Paris

As seen in: “Midnight in Paris” (2011)
This world-famous, art nouveau-styled bistro dates to 1893. In Woody Allen’s time-travel comedy, modern writer Owen Wilson visits Maxim’s in the 1920s with his new love, Marion Cotillard, and meets notable celebrities from that era.
Potable: Maxim’s de Paris Pure Malt Scotch
Quotable: “That Paris exists and anyone could choose to live anywhere else in the world will always be a mystery to me.”—Adriana (Marion Cotillard)

New York Bar in Tokyo

As seen in: “Lost in Translation” (2003)
Located on the 52nd floor of Tokyo’s Park Hyatt Hotel, this elegant bar was featured in Sofia Coppola’s drama about a world-weary actor (Bill Murray) who befriends bored newlywed Scarlett Johansson while filming a Suntory commercial. Sofia’s inspiration came from her father, Francis Ford Coppola, who once starred in a Suntory ad for filmmaker Akira Kurosawa.
Potable: Hibiki 17 year old
Quotable: “For relaxing times, make it Suntory time.”—Bob Harris (Bill Murray)

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How to Taste Nutty Flavors in Whisky

Nuttiness presents itself in both new-make spirit and mature whiskies, and you can even call specific nuts out by name when tasting whisky.

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There’s an abundance of nutty flavors in your whisky. Nuttiness is a characteristic present in both new-make spirit and mature whisky, though it’s most commonly associated with mature whiskies aged in well-seasoned sherry casks. You may be able to call out a specific nut by name when you taste whisky, though nutty aromas and flavors are often complex and overlap with notes of wood, oiliness, and butteriness, as well as roasted or cereal characteristics.

First off, identify your nut—differentiating pecan from pistachio, or hazelnut from macadamia. Then consider its form. You may detect almond, but are those almonds whole, sliced, nibbed, or ground? Squirrel away some other flavor descriptors, as nuts can be spiced, candied, or roasted: dry, honey, or maple. They can also be present as nut-based textures and flavors—nut butters, nut oils, nougat, marzipan, praline, and chocolate-hazelnut spreads—or baked goods like nut cookies, florentines, or pecan pie. And don’t discount the aromas of the nutshells—a dry, aged whisky might remind you of hazelnut shells, the pitted surface of an almond shell, or the split skulls of a walnut once the nut has been pried free.

How to Pair Whisky and Nuts

Science informs us that a whisky’s nuttiness is the product of multiple compounds. Their sensory threshold is influenced by how those compounds interact when set against other attention-grabbing flavor compounds. Short fermentations can promote a nutty, grainy quality in new-make spirit, which is even more noticeable when high-roast malts are used. The furfural created during malting and distillation can also possess a grainy quality reminiscent of marzipan or almonds. Experiments have found a correlation between the perception of nuttiness and the laboratory detection of methylpyrazine, also associated with oiliness, and 2-furanmethanol, which consorts with roasted-nut qualities.

In mature whisky, a degree of nuttiness can also arise from cask extractives known as oak lactones. This characteristic is more pronounced when coopers work with well-seasoned oak from the sawmill. Charring of oak staves also promotes methylpyrazine and 4-methyl-5-vinylthiazole to produce a dry, roasted, nutty, woody quality. Finally, aside from the complexities of wood chemistry and the ongoing internal chemical reactions that take place over years, a sherry cask will also impart the fortified wine’s inherent nutty, dried fruit qualities on the maturing whisky. So, basically, that’s it in a nutshell.

Go Nuts: Taste Different Types of Nuts in These Whiskies

Taste almonds in Powers Three Swallow, which is chock full of warm marmalade, citrus, green apple, and spices.


Warm up with the roasted nut flavors in Bunnahabhain 18 year old, fragrant with sweet sherry, dried fruits, rich oak, and a briny finish.


Enjoy brazil nuts in Scotchdale 8 year old, brimming with peach slice, baked cookies, dry oak, and hot peppery spice.

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