
Schreiber’s Slainte Sidles Up To Seven States

Actor Liev Schreiber’s Sláinte Irish Whiskey will be available in seven more states in the USA after expanding their distribution network. Sláinte Irish Whiskey was created last year in a collaboration with Schreiber and was previously sold exclusively online, but will now be made available in California, Florida, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, New York and […]

Liev Schreiber Introduces Slainte Irish Whiskey

Actor Liev Schreiber [“Scream”, “X-Men”, “Isle of Dogs”] has released a new premium Irish whiskey called Sláinte, which donates funds to humanitarian causes and which sees 100% of the funds from the sale of its limited edition 18-year-old whiskey allocated and gifted to Blue Check Ukraine, which is co-founded by Schreiber. Sláinte (pronounced Slahn-cha) Smooth […]

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