
Bourbon Limbo

Listen Here: Bourbon Limbo Minicast Here it is, Bourbon Limbo! We took 5 of the scariest Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskies we could find on the shelf and put them to the test. OK, so we cheated a little and went with the higher proof expressions if they were available. We did this tasting blind, so if…

Bowman Brothers Tasting Minicast

Hello loyal listeners! As promised we did a tasting of some Bowman Brothers offerings. Herein we talk about the Small Batch, Single Barrel, and Double Barrel versions. All great stuff, but give it a listen for our full opinions. We’re joined this…

The Great Bourbon and Coke Throwdown!

Hurray, we’re finally back on the air! In this mini-cast we tackle the question of whether or not it matters what quality of bourbon you put in your Coke. And we’re using the bourbons you voted for! We’ve both got new audio setups and a new way to interlace the recordings, so hopefully you’ll notice…

Smooth Ambler Tasting Minicast

Below freezing weather and long week got you down? Cheer up with our tasting of some Smooth Ambler products. These guys are NDP’s in Maxwelton, WV who don’t hide the fact that they purchase delicious barrels to pass them on to the consumer. Everything I’ve had from them has been pretty impressive, but the single…

How we taste bourbon

Our first foray into a new medium! See our ugly mugs go through how we taste bourbon, as requested by a loyal listener. We know we’re behind our usual date for releasing a new podcast, but we’re working on it, we promise. In the meantime en…

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