Eddu 14 Years Old Batch 1
Delicious, redolent of cereal and husks from the Buckwheat this also has some sweet and mineralic nature, perhaps a trace of something metallic later on but doesn’t detract. 87/100
Delicious, redolent of cereal and husks from the Buckwheat this also has some sweet and mineralic nature, perhaps a trace of something metallic later on but doesn’t detract. 87/100
Another great wine cask example from TBWC, I’ve no feeling for the original spirit but this felt like mostly sherry cask and perhaps not too much original spirit nature – certainly for a 5yo. The result is a very enjoyable sherried whisky. 84/100
Very sweet on the nose but very balanced on the palate and eminently drinkable. Some sharp French oak tannins give a good edge or foil to the fruity Sauternes sweetness. 84/100