book review

Book Review: Scotch: The Balmoral Guide To Whisky

By Richard Thomas Rating: B The Balmoral Hotel has been with us for more and a fixture of Edinburgh than a century, but it’s whisky bar–approrpriately named SCOTCH–has only been around for a decade. Nonetheless, that is long enough for Head Whisky Ambassador and Bar Manager Cameron Ewen and Moa Reynolds, a Swede now writing …

Book Review: The World Atlas Of Whisky

By Richard Thomas Rating: A When I established The Whiskey Reviewer in 2011, it was already inconceivable to stay on top of both the growing realm of world whiskey and the burgeoning American craft distilling scene. The American small distilling sector was already too large and growing too fast, although the new distilleries popping up …

Book Review: Hauntingly Good Spirits

By Richard Thomas Rating: B+ As a horror fan and a whiskey author, I’m slightly disappointed every year when autumn never brings together my two interests, this despite the two being firmly rooted in the season. As it happens, Halloween lands in the middle of the time of year when all the most ardently sought …

Book Review—Warehouse H

I found this book very interesting. The book covers the history of Blanton’s Single Barrel Bourbon and its expressions through its history. There is an excellent Foreword by David Jennings, the author of American Spirit: Wild Turkey Bourbon From Ripy…..

Book Review – Signature Cocktails

This book was given to me as a Christmas present from my friends at Ben Holladay Distillery. It is a very good cocktail book. It focuses on the signature cocktails from bars around the world. It has the recipes for… Continue Reading →

Book Review: Agatha Whiskey

By Richard Thomas Although I do make cocktails at home, I am not endowed with a well-equipped bar cart of all the odds and ends to truly call one’s self a home mixologist. However, what I am is a fan of the eternal queen of the whodunnit, Agatha Christie. I am such a sucker for …

Book Review: Noir Bar

By Richard Thomas I’m often surprised when trends and fads don’t carry more people down what should be obvious path. For example, many say that the TV show Madmen helped drive the modern cocktail renaissance. Keeping that in mind, one wonders why this pairing didn’t spark more interest in film noir. True, the TV show …

Book Review – The Waldorf Astoria Bar Book

The Waldorf Astoria Bar Book is a revision of The Old Waldorf Astoria Bar Book, first printed in 1934 and written by Albert Stevens Crockett. The author of the new, revised version of the book, Frank Caiafa took the position… Continue Reading →

Sipp’n Corn Book Review – Lawyerly Libations

I found a new book to add your personal collection or holiday gift list—Lawyerly Libations, Concoctions for the Counselor, Apéritifs for the Attorney, Elixirs for the Esquire, and Additional Alcoholic Anecdotes: A Cocktail Compilation for the Burgeoning Barrister’s Bar, by Michael J. McCormick. While…

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