Banditti Club Rum
Despite the initial hit on the nose this is a pretty solid spiced rum and though I didn’t try it I can imagine this mixes well also. Plenty of festive spices to be found. 80/100
Despite the initial hit on the nose this is a pretty solid spiced rum and though I didn’t try it I can imagine this mixes well also. Plenty of festive spices to be found. 80/100
A pleasant single malt with plenty of fruity and grassy cereal influences and a touch of tropicality. 80/100
Again another very pleasant spirit, perhaps a little affected by the gin sample previously but this gave me a real swimming pool/chlorine vibe on the nose. Other than that slightly off note and some solventy spirit on the palate this is pretty deliciou…
Banana splits club (Hold the bus!) super estery and sweet, plenty of fruit but some woody spices to keep it in check towards the end. Fairly simple and straightforward and the sweetness is just about tempered enough to keep it pleasing. 80/100