Author name: LifeSouth

Homemade Ginger Syrup

Spring has most definitely sprung here in Kentucky based on the amount I sweat working in the yard this weekend. What better way to cool off then some of your own ginger ale, or in our case, bourbon and ginger. Here’s how I make my ginger simple syrup:   Chris’ Simple Ginger Simple Syrup: One…

Podcast #4: From water to water of life

Hurray, finally! It’s podcast #4. Only took us twice as long as last time. We had some technical difficulties with Skype so please excuse any audio glitches, we tried to fix them. I suppose I should just marvel at the fact that I can video chat with someone 100s of miles away rather than yell…

Smooth Ambler Tasting Minicast

Below freezing weather and long week got you down? Cheer up with our tasting of some Smooth Ambler products. These guys are NDP’s in Maxwelton, WV who don’t hide the fact that they purchase delicious barrels to pass them on to the consumer. Everything I’ve had from them has been pretty impressive, but the single…

Spring has sprung!

The mint finally started coming up in the garden, and that can only mean one thing: the first mint julep of the season! Minicast tasting of Smooth Ambler single barrel and 10 year releases coming soon to the cast! Cheers!

How we taste bourbon

Our first foray into a new medium! See our ugly mugs go through how we taste bourbon, as requested by a loyal listener. We know we’re behind our usual date for releasing a new podcast, but we’re working on it, we promise. In the meantime en…

Angel’s Envy Tasting Mini-Cast

Hey guys, sorry for the delay, but as promised here is a mini-cast of Chris and guest co-host Alicia tasting and waxing Quixotic about the Angel’s Envy line! Also, by absconded we didn’t mean stole, but rather took our tastings back to somewhere quiet we could record. For those of you with short attention spans…

Who makes what?

As promised in the last podcast (alas later than I intended), here is the PDF of what I found in my research on who owns who and who makes what in the bourbon world. It is as accurate as I could make it, but if you happen to know something that is wrong or could…

A Bonus Tasting!

What is called bourbon, but isn’t legally boubon, and is an oxymoronic sin? Find out this weekend with a mini-cast tasting of 4 of this brand’s offerings with guest co-host Alicia! Leave your guesses in the comments! 

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