Author name: LifeSouth

How to Make A B-LIT, Our First YouTube Recipe

So we talked about this a long time ago, but finally got around to it. Some of our loyal Bourbon Evangelists suggested we do YouTube videos showing how we make drinks. So here’s our first try with our signature drink, let us know what you think! …

We’re On Our Way Back

Fellow Bourbon Evangelists, Our big announcement is that we’re biting the bullet and are going to give you an in-depth study of that horrible, dry, wasteland in our national history: Prohibition. The 18th Amendment to our great Constitution. This topic is big. We aren’t messing around. You will get three (3) sections, over three (3)…

Prohibition Research

Don’t worry fellow Bourbon Evangelists,  we haven’t abandoned you. Darren and I are both hard at work preparing for our big 3 part Prohibition extravaganza. In the mean time, raise a glass to National Bourbon Month. Cheers!

2014 BTAC Release Letters

The particulars of this year’s BTAC (Buffalo Trace Antique Collection) have been floating around on the interwebs today. Here are the official release letters if you’d like more detail. My favorite pictured above. 
George T. Stagg
William …

Old Weller Antique vs. Maker’s Mark Cask Strength, A Brief Musing

So in the amazing response we’ve had to our Maker’s Mark Cask Strength Review (wow, 3500 visitors came fast), we had an interesting question arise. What would happen if Maker’s Cask Strength was pitted against Old Weller Antique 107. Here are my brief thoughts: The noses are remarkably similar. I do pick up the slightly…

Maker’s Mark Cask Strength Review

OK, so you guys know we don’t do traditional written reviews on this site (mostly because so many people are already doing that), but this is an exception. I haven’t really seen anything about the new Maker’s Mark Cask Strength out on the interwebs, and I’ve been excited about it for quite some time having…

Four Roses 2014 Small Batch Limited Edition Announced

Thanks to the good people over at BourbonBlog, we now know the recipe for this year’s Four Roses barrel proof small batch release. They’re combining 13-year-old OBSV, 12-year-old OESV, 11-year-old OBSF and 9-year-old OBSK. They’re also going to be releasing a lot more bottles this time around, with 11,000 reported instead of last year’s 8,000. Knowing…

Update and Maker’s Mark Cask Strength Countdown

Hello fellow Bourbon Evangelists! Darren and I wanted to give you a little update about why it’s been so long since we uploaded a full cast and some upcoming highlights. Darren is currently, and has been for the last 90 days or so, in the horrible purgatory that is studying for a forensic board exam. As…

International Wine and Spirits Competition

  The results from this year’s International Wine and Spirits Competition show a sweep of the golds for Buffalo Trace in the bourbon category.  You all know how much we here at BOTB love Buffalo Trace, but this damn impressive. I combed their website to see how spirits are scored, and they do a series…

Interview with Chris Evans of Bluegrass Tavern

Boy did we have a great time sitting down with one of the legends of Lexington bartending and bourbon curating, Chris Evans of Bluegrass Tavern. We highly recommend checking them out if you are from Lexington of just passing through. Their bourbon collection is nearly impossible to beat and the drinks are strong and well…

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