Author name: LifeSouth

If I Had a Benjamin ($100), Darren Edition

A friend and fellow bourbon media colleague, Bill of Modern Thirst, started a group project of sorts with us and several other bourbon media folk. The premise is easy to envision: What would you buy if you had a Benjamin, a $100 bill, to spend on bourbon at the store? Rules: Disregard sales tax, only bourbon,…

If I had a Benjamin ($100)…By Chris

Recently the guys at Modern Thirst proposed a nearly impossible question to a slew of bourbon writers, “If you had $100 to spend on American whiskey, what would you buy right now at your local store?” This sounds like an easy question, but the more I thought about it, the harder it became. Am I…

Better Aging Through Chemistry?

The internet has been all a-twitter lately about various forms of expedited aging in whiskey and bourbon. A majority of the discussion has been about whether or not these accelerated products can still meet the legal definitions of Kentucky Bourbon, Straight Bourbon, or even just plain Bourbon (for more on that aspect, check out Fred…

Our Day at Jim Beam with Fred Noe

If there is one family that could be called the royal family of bourbon, it’s the Beams. For seven generations, starting with Jacob Beam after moving to central Kentucky in 1788, the Beam family, in one way or another, has had a hand in just about every major brand of bourbon out there. Yes, including…

Bonded Mash Madness Results!

Fellow Crusaders, the NCAA Basketball Championship is upon us tonight. I have no idea who the two teams playing in it are though. So since the championship game is a letdown, I figured it would be a good night to announce the champion of our Bonded Mash Madness! Darren and I both did the entire…

I.W. Harper Returns to the U.S.

Hello, fellow Crusaders! Yesterday I was fortunate enough to be at the formal coming out party for the upcoming new I.W. Harper releases. “But wait, I know that brand,” some of you might be saying–particularly if you or your drinking buddies spent anytime overseas or in the military. The I.W. Harper brand has been dormant in…

Bonded Mash Madness!

Fellow Crusaders, it is approaching that particular time of year where we all go a little crazy over college basketball. In that spirit, we’ve created a little challenge to pit bottled-in-bond bourbons against one another in a tournament of champions. So as to not ruin the surprise, and allow you to try it for yourself…

Interview with author Albert W. A. Schmid!

Fellow Bourbon Crusaders, we were lucky enough to get to sit down and talk with Albert Schmid, author of The Old Fashioned: An Essential Guide to the Original Whiskey Cocktail and the Gourmand Award winning The Kentucky Bourbon Cookbook. We first met Albert at a book signing in Lexington, KY about two years ago, and we…

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